Help us Close the Funding Gap
Over the past couple of years, reimbursement for services provided to individuals with disabilities have not kept up with the rate of inflation. Therefore, along with 200 other organization across the state, we are seeking a $749 million increase in Medicaid funding to help increase the hourly wage for direct support staff. Below are ways that you can help us close the funding gap.
Share your Story
Visit Ohio DD Crisis to share your personal story of how you or a loved one have been affected by the crisis. Your story may then be shared with key legislators to convey the very real and immediate human impact of this crisis.
Write a Letter to the Editor
Check out these helpful guidelines on how to write your letter with contact information for local papers and news outlets.
Sign the Petition to Show Your Support
Developmental disability providers are locked into reimbursement rates set by the State of Ohio. Only action by state officials can resolve this issue. Sign the petition to help support the cause as we advocate for a solution to this crisis.