Congratulations to the Finalists of the Blossom Hill Art Contest!
View all submissions below

Center Ridge House
Scroll through to see the masterpieces that individuals and DSPs created at our Center Ridge House. There is an artist statement included to the right of each piece along with the artist’s first name.

Amber wanted to create something a little unique so she made and decorated a flower pot with faux flowers. She worked with her DSPs, Wanda and Ari.

Austin really loves his ipad so he created an “apple” ipad complete with “apps.” He also created a second project, a puppet frog.

Carlos and his DSP, Weldon, created a spring picture that includes a cutout bunny, flower and butterfly stickers and cray paper grass.

Clarence loves Yoo-hoo and drinks it at every meal. With his DSP, Michelle, they created a giant cardboard yoo-hoo drink!

Eileen loves to wear headbands and to look nice so she decorated her own blue headband as an art project.

Erika loves animals and she worked with Molly, her DSP, to craft this Styrofoam ball cat that is hot glued together. It’s a little spunky and sassy just like her!

Frankie decorated this sun visor with a sun and lots of other colorful materials that he found.

Jim and his DSP, Nikki, created what he calls a “cow ghost.” Jim has a great sense of humor and likes funny and silly stuff like “cow ghosts”!

Karen and her DSP, Cassandra, created this spring-themed landscape that includes a bird made out of feathers.

Lenice loves splashy colors and designs so she create a dream catcher with beads with Tabitha, her DSP.

Mike loves cake and with Eva, his DSP, they created a Styrofoam cake pop display using a real cake pop kit to prop it up.

Monica and her DSP, Christine, created an Easter-themed landscape that also uses sponges as butterflies and flowers.

Stephen and his DSP, Joseph, drew this picture “hand-over-hand” which means that Jospeh guided his hand to draw this picture.

Susie loves cookies so she created a giant paper M&M cookie with her DSP, Eva.

Parma House
Scroll right to view art creations from individuals and DSPs at Parma House!

Cedric, who really likes to paint, chose which colors he wanted to use and then used his fingers on top of saran wrap to move the paint around into this design.

Debbie loves wearing jewelry and has a lot of it so, along with her DSP, Shannon, they created a jewelry holder that can be hung up on her wall for her jewelry. It has popsicle sticks around the edge and a pencil cup for misc. jewelry.

Denise loves butterflies and her room is entirely butterfly themed. With Dalenna, her DSP, they created this butterfly collage out of tissue paper and toy butterflies.

Every Halloween or special occasion, Ernie chooses to dress up as a security officer or policeman. He also enjoys “Coffee with Cops” hosted by the Second District Police Officers before COVID. With a lot of help from Google and Kristen, his DSP, they made him police car to go around his wheelchair.

Lindley’s mother, who passed away about two years ago, loved sunflowers. This picture is a tribute to his mom who loved sunflowers and Lindley, who enjoys looking at pictures.

Michael likes the Chipmunks and so he chose to color a picture of the Chipmunks with colored pencils.

Broccoli is an inside joke with Neil and the staff at Parma House. He even has a huge stuffed broccoli that he got for his 60th birthday. With the help of Tranish, his DSP, they drew and painted a picture of broccoli and then used nails in wood to trace a picture of broccoli with string.

Terry used his finger to paint with saran wrap and chose Cleveland Indians’ colors – red and blue.

Blossom & Haven Houses
The individuals and staff at Blossom & Haven Houses (on Abbey Road) decided to do a collage of canvas paintings as their submission. Each individual did a handprint onto the canvas and then they put all the canvases together around the message “Proud to Be Me!” that was created by Elisha, a DSP. Each person’s canvas is unique to the colors and designs that they like.











Mary Jo
